is the great crowd?

Our discussion will
take the form of a simulated conversation between a
Jehovah's Witness named Joe and a Christian named
Joe, I am puzzled about your organization's teaching on the
great crowd. Where is the great crowd - in heaven or on
Chris, I suppose you believe that all Christians go to
heaven, however the Bible doesn't teach that. Instead the
Bible shows that there are actually two classes of
Christians. The heavenly class, or the 144,000 will be the
only ones to go to heaven. The earthly class or the great
crowd will not go to heaven but get to spend eternity here
on paradise earth.
That appears to conflict with the Bible. Can you explain to
me Rev. 7:9?
Certainly. It says "After these things I saw, and, look! a
great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all
nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before
the throne and before the Lamb..."
Joe, If the great crowd is on earth, then why are they
standing before the throne in heaven?
The position of standing' is sometimes used in the
Bible to indicate the holding of a favored or approved
position. The great crowd isn't really in heaven, they are
just in an approved position before God.
This sure appears to be a heavenly scene to me since there
are also angels standing in the same place. Joe, if the
great crowd is not in heaven can you explain Rev. 7:15 where
the great crowd is in God's temple?
It says, "That is why they are before the throne of God; and
they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his
This same great crowd is serving God in his
temple. Isn't God's temple in heaven?
You see Chris, there are two Greek words translated as
temple. I have a copy of the Watchtower Aug. 15, 1960 page
493. It talks about the presence of the money changers and
animals in the temple. It says that this temple was not just
one building but a series of structures of which the temple
sanctuary was the center. In the original Greek there are
two distinct words hierón and
naós.Hierón referred to the entire temple
grounds, whereas naós applied to the temple structure
itself. John tells that Jesus found the money changers and
animals in the hieron.
So then are you saying that naós represents heaven
and hieron represents earth?
That's right. Hierón is the earth, which is the outer
court. Naós is actually heaven itself which is
represented by the inner court.
Then why does Rev. 7:15 says that the great crowd is in the
naós? Look in your Kingdom Interlinear Translation.
It uses the Greek word naós in Rev. 7:15 and the
English under the Greek says "Divine habitation". That means
that the great crowd is in the naós, the divine
habitation of God or heaven.
I can explain that, too. I have a copy of the Aug. 15, 1980
Watchtower that says although the Greek word naós
refers often to the inner sanctuary representing heaven
there are examples where it means the entire temple
including the courtyard. For example it was in the
naós (the temple courtyard) that Jesus drove out the
money changers and it was the entire temple naós that
was destroyed as a judgment from God.
That contradicts the 1960 Watchtower that you quoted before.
In that magazine it said that Jesus drove out the money
changers from the hieron. Maybe we should check out the
Bible references to see what it actually says. The account
where Jesus threw out the money changers is found in Matt.
21:12, Mark 11:15, Luke 19:45 and John 2: 14 & 15. The
Watchtower Aug. 15, 1980 that you showed me, say that these
are all examples of where naós is used to represent
the entire temple complex.
Oh, my!...All these scriptures used the Greek word hieron.
None of these references use the Greek word naós. I
don't understand why the Watchtower would use this as an
example. It isn't true.
What about the entire temple which was destroyed of God? The
references are Matt. 24:1,2; Mark 13:1-3 and Luke 21:5,6. Is
the Watchtower hiding the truth about these examples when
they said that the word naós is used for the entire
They couldn't be wrong about that.
Look, here. All these references to the destruction of the
entire temple are the Greek word hieron. It appears to me
that the Society has misrepresented the scriptures in an
attempt to uphold their doctrine that the great crowd is on
earth not in heaven.
I don't understand this. Why would the Watchtower
misrepresent the Greek word that is used in these texts? I
can see that the Society has not been entirely honest about
the Greek word naós. But I still believe they have to
be right. After all, if there aren't two classes of
Christians, then who are the 144,000 ruling over?
Let's talk about that subject next week.
(Go to part two for