Why does the Watchtower deny the first coming of Christ?

Is the Christ only a title that Jesus took at his baptism?

Although most Christians are aware that the Watchtower denies the Deity of Jesus, not many are aware that the Watchtower also denies that the first coming of Christ happened when Jesus came to earth as a baby. Instead of believing as historic Christianity does that Christ came to earth in the very person of Jesus at the start of his human life, the Watchtower teaches that the Christ is a spiritual title that the man Jesus earned later in life at his baptism. Obviously both views can't be right. Either Jesus was already the Christ at birth or he became the Christ at his baptism. Historic Christianity has three main reasons for believing that Jesus was born the Christ. These three reasons are prophesy, promise and proclamation.

What is the Prophetic evidence?

All through the ages the nation of Israel believed that Jehovah God had prophesied a deliverer. The prophetic record given by God stated in Isaiah that there would be a sign given. What was this sign? Isaiah 7:14 says, "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel." The sign was the birth of a baby. Just think of that! The sign was the birth of a baby not the baptism of a man! Is there any prophecy that Israel should look for their deliverer by the sign of baptism? The Watchtower hasn't come up with a single prophecy for that and we couldn't find one either.

What is the Personal Promise from God Himself?

The second reason to believe that Jesus was born the Christ is God's personal promise through the Holy Spirit. In Luke 2:25-34, the Bible records that a promise was given personally to Simeon that he would live to see Jehovah's Christ. In verse 27 it states that Simeon came into the temple and saw Mary and Joseph and the child Jesus. Simeon took the young child Jesus in his arms and then gave praise to God for allowing him to see Israel's deliverer. Simeon states, quote "Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel." Did Simeon's eyes see the Christ as he looked at the face of the baby Jesus? Did Simeon see the Savior and the glory of Israel? He stated that he did and that it was God's fulfilled promise to him. Even John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus and who was told by God that he would recognize the Christ by seeing the Holy Spirit descending and remaining on him testified that Jesus was the Son of God not that Jesus became the Son of God at his baptism.

What is the final Proclamation from Jehovah?

The third reason to believe that Jesus was born the Christ is the proclamation of Jehovah's angel. On the very day of Jesus' birth an angel gave a very important statement of testimony to God's chosen witnesses. In Luke 2:10-12 it says "Then the angel said to them ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord.'" The angel's proclamation was that the Christ was born that very day. Does the Watchtower have even one testimony that states that Jesus did not become the Christ until his baptism? The Watchtower teaches that Jesus became the spiritual Son of God when the voice came from heaven saying "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." But you will notice that Jehovah God declared Jesus already his Son, not that Jesus had just become or earned the right to become his Son, at his baptism.

How does the Watchtower reinterpret the angel's proclamation?

The Watchtower concludes that the angel's proclamation meant that Jesus was to become the Christ later. If that is truth, why didn't Jehovah God just tell the angel to say what he meant? He could have easily written the Bible to say that Jesus was born to become the Christ at a later date. Instead he inspired the word is. The angel said that "this day is born the Christ". If you take the Watchtower's reasoning and take the word "is" and change it to mean "is to become" then the passage in Matthew chapter 1 where Joseph learned that Mary was already pregnant, in verse 20 you would also have the angel appearing to Joseph in a dream saying "that which is to become conceived in her". Since Mary was already pregnant, we know that you can't change the word "is" to mean "is to become". That would totally contradict verse 18 which says that Mary was already found to be with child. The Watchtower has no evidence of prophecy, no evidence of a promise or and no evidence of a proclamation that states that Jesus became the Christ at baptism.


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