the New World Translation Reliable?

The Watchtower Society has
produced their own New World Translation and new converts
are encouraged to do all their reading in this translation.
But is the New World Translation trustworthy?
the New World Translation a literal translation?
According to the Watchtower,
their version is accurate, and is as close as possible to
the original. The Kingdom Interlinear Translation 1969 page
10 says "We offer no paraphrase of the Scriptures. Our
endeavor all through has been to give as literal a
translation as possible, where the modern English idiom
allows and where a literal rendition does not for any
clumsiness hide the thought. That way we can best meet the
desire of those who are scrupulous for getting as nearly as
possible, word for word, the exact statement of the
original.". Unfortunately although the Watchtower has
affirmed their desire to stick closely to the literal
translation of the scriptures, they have inserted numerous
changes into the text in an effort to validate their own
particular doctrines.
are some of the doctrinal changes?
"The first doctrinal change
comes in the second verse of Genesis chapter one where
"Spirit of God" is changed to "God's active force". This
revision changes the original noun to an impersonal form
because the Watchtower's doctrine rejects the personality of
the Holy Spirit. In Exodus 3:14 "I am" is changed to "I
shall prove to be". This alteration is designed to cloud the
connection between God's self-proclaimed title and Jesus'
proclamation that he is the "I am" in John 8:58. (See the
English under the Greek in the Kingdom Interlinear
Translation of John 8:58 for the inspired and therefore
correct tense).
In Acts 10:36 "Lord of all"
is changed to "Lord of all (others)". This alteration was
made because the Watchtower teaches that even though Jesus
is highly honored, he is still only one among many of God's
created beings. This revision also allows Jesus to become
Michael the Archangel who is only "one of the foremost
princes". (See Daniel 10:13) In Romans 8:23 "The redemption
of our bodies" is changed to "the release from our bodies by
ransom". This changes the redemption or buying back of the
original perfect body to the disposal of the human body.
This revision came as a result of the Society's teaching
that the spirit anointed ones must give up their human
bodies to enter heaven.
In Romans 8:1 where the
original says "There is therefore now no condemnation to
those who are in Christ Jesus..." the Society has deleted
the word "now". This omission is necessary to support the
belief that there is no assurance of salvation right now for
any Jehovah's Witness. In Romans 8:28 "All things" is
changed to "all his works". This substitute was made to
undermine the sovereignty of God by claiming that He
controls only the things He is directly involved in. In
Romans 8:29 "Those God foreknew" is adjusted to read "those
whom he gave his first recognition". This revision
camouflages the nature of God's complete foreknowledge. In
Romans 10:13 "Lord" is changed to "Jehovah". This
substitution hides the fact that the Lord referred to in
verse 13 is the same Lord called Jesus in verse 9. Since the
Watchtower rejects the deity of Jesus, the revision was
necessary to keep their doctrine intact.
In Galatians 6:18 "Your
spirit" is changed to "the spirit YOU show". This alteration
attempts to obscure the reality of the individual human
spirit by presenting it more as an attitude or action than
an entity. In 1 Timothy 4:1 "The Spirit" is changed to "the
inspired utterance". This revision is designed to conceal
the reality and activity of the Holy Spirit by representing
the Spirit as a message instead of a person. Similar
revisions are found in 1 John 4:1, 3 & 6.
These are just a few of the
many unauthorized revisions made by the Watchtower designed
to fit the Bible into their own doctrines. The Watchtower
has deliberately altered the word of God and passed it off
as accurate to their unsuspecting, loyal