Jesus take his life again?

This article
will take the form of a simulated discussion between a
Jehovah's Witness named Joe and a Christian named
Last week I brought up two very strong reasons why Jesus
couldn't have been raised in human form. If Jesus was a
resurrected man, how could he have walked through
Joe, who told you that Jesus walked through
Well, he did...the Bible says so.
Where does the Bible say that?
In John chapter 20 verse 19 the disciples were in a locked
room and Jesus appeared in their midst.
So, where does it say that he walked through
Well... it doesn't really say that he walked through walls,
but we know that he had to. How else did he get in
So, because Jesus appeared in a room, you assume that he
walked through the wall to get there?
There is no other way to get in.
What if the Bible says that something similar happened to a
man years later?
I've never seen that in the Bible.
Do you remember the story of Philip and the Ethiopian
Sure. Jehovah God sent Philip to explain the scriptures to
That's right. But do you know what happened to Philip after
his conversation with the eunuch?
I don't remember.
In Acts chapter 8 verse 39 it says that after Philip
baptized the eunuch, the spirit caught Philip away. In verse
40 it says that Philip was found at Azotus. Philip was
transported from the Gaza road to Azotus, miles away.
Certainly Philip was a man and not a spirit when he was
transported from one place to another.
I never knew that a person could be transported from one
place to another.
We know that it is true because the Bible says that it
happened to Philip. Supernatural things can happen to
humans. What about when Jesus walked on water? That was a
supernatural act, but he was still a man. No matter how this
supernatural event happened in that room, it certainly
didn't mean that Jesus had to be a spirit to do
But what about 1 Cor. 15:45 that says that the last Adam,
Jesus, became a life-giving spirit?
Joe, in this verse it compares Adam becoming a living soul
with Jesus becoming a life-giving spirit. When did Adam
become a living soul? Was it at his resurrection?
Of course not. He has not been resurrected. It was at his
Then this verse isn't talking about Adam's or Christ's
resurrection. It says Adam became a living soul, that's his
creation. Also Jesus became a life-giving spirit. What does
life-giving spirit mean? Have a look at the very next verse,
verse 46 tells us that this is talking about spiritual life.
In John 5:26 Jesus says that he has life in himself and in
verse 21 he says that he gives this life to anyone that he
wants to.
But it is impossible for Jesus to be a resurrected man
because the Watchtower tells us that if he was raised in the
flesh that he would have been taking back his sacrifice. If
someone pays a debt for something and then takes back the
price, then the debt is not paid at all.
It was Jesus' death that paid for our sins not his giving up
his human body. The only way that Jesus could have taken
back that price is to not have died at all. His resurrection
in the body did not take back that price.
Of course it would have. Jesus had to sacrifice his body
forever as payment for Adam's sin.
But that contradicts scripture, Joe. Look at John 10:17
& 18. It says "Therefore My Father loves Me, because I
lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it
from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it
down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have
received from My Father." What is the "it" that Jesus lays
It is his physical life.
Well, then, Jesus said that he lays down his physical life
in order to take it (his physical life) again. Jesus said
that he had the power to lay it (his physical life) down and
to take it (his physical life) back again and he said that
the Father gave him the command to do this. Can you show me
a verse that says that Jesus couldn't have taken his
physical life back again?
I don't have a verse to show you, I only know what the
Watchtower has told me.
Joe, maybe you have let the organization do the thinking for
you instead of the Bible. The death of Jesus and his
resurrection is really the most important doctrine in the
Bible according to 1 Corinthians 15:3 and 4. Maybe we can
talk again sometime about the second most important doctrine
of the Bible.
I'll have to think about that.