the Watchtower crumbles will God

What happens when an
organization claiming to be the only ones who speak for God
has its veil pulled back so that many, perhaps for the first
time, see the fallible humanity behind the claim? For
Jehovah's Witnesses who have come face to face with
immorality amongst the leadership, favoritism for one person
over another when dealing with sin, inconsistency in
organizational policy or unscriptural doctrinal teachings,
the effects can be devastating. Because the Watchtower
Society demands from their followers unconditional
affirmation that their organization is divinely directed by
God in all they do, a Witness who sees otherwise is faced
with living a lie or finding themselves outside the
boundaries of the Watchtower.
does a Witness view God when the organization loses its
How does a Jehovah's
Witness view God when they have seen the human nature of the
Watchtower organization? It is not uncommon in this
situation for a Witness to begin to doubt that there even is
a God. For years or even decades these Witnesses have
trusted an organization to reveal God to them. Their future
hope for a new life in a better world has revolved around
the activities and teachings of just one organization. They
have been taught that to doubt the organization is
tantamount to doubting God and so nagging doubts and
questions not originating from the Society's approved
questions at the bottom of the page of Watchtower material
has been delegated to the back of their mind. However when a
Witness is exposed to undeniable proof that the Watchtower
is not the faithful, pure organization that they were led to
believe it was, the questions and doubts that they have
pushed aside now flood their mind. If the Watchtower is
unfaithful, is
God now himself unfaithful?
If the Watchtower leadership has acted immorally or treated
their followers with little respect
that mean that God no longer cares for truth or that he no
longer loves the Witness?
Sadly some have concluded that God is as changeable as the
Watchtower Society itself, that he is unreachable or worse
yet that he does not exist.
can they find faith?
Witnesses whose
scarred faith survives their exit from the Watchtower
organization can find faith and hope within the words of the
Bible. God himself is not ignorant of organizations that
seek to elevate themselves to the position of doorkeeper to
God. He has given us warnings in scripture to counteract
their claims. In Psalms 146:3, 4 he says "Do not put your
trust in princes, in mortal men,
cannot save.
When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on
that day their
plans come to nothing."
God has emphatically said for us not to trust men for our
salvation, yet the Watchtower says, "And while now the
witness yet includes the invitation to
to Jehovah's organization for
The Watchtower, November 15, 1981 page 21.
the Watchtower taken Jesus' spot?
In John 14:6 the
Bible says, "Jesus answered, I am the way and the
truth and the life. No one comes to the father except
through Me.'" Jesus claims to be
truth and
life. He is the
one. Why does
the Watchtower call itself "the truth"?
Jesus said "Come to
me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you
rest." Matthew 11:28. John 17:1-3 says, "After Jesus said
this, he looked toward heaven and prayed Father, the
time has come. Glorify your Son that your Son may glorify
you. For you granted him authority over all people that he
might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now
is eternal life:
that they may know
only true God,
Jesus Christ
whom you have sent.'" New International Version.