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About Us

MM Outreach Inc was incorporated in June 2007. JW Info Line was previously owned by MM Outreach which was a partnership between Media Ministries and MacGregor Ministries.

Keith and Lorri MacGregor operated MacGregor Ministries since 1979 offering biblical help in the defense of the Christian faith. The purposes of the Society are to teach, preach, foster and promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the use of all forms of media including radio, television and the printed word; to provide religious and spiritual Christian counseling to persons and groups of persons in an interdenominational setting; to cooperate and contract with other religious groups and organizations to promote and teach Christian doctrine and principles; to produce and print religious material for distribution to the general public and to produce and distribute religious radio and television program material for broadcast and home use.

In 2002 MM Outreach was formed and in June 2007 MM Outreach Inc was incorporated to separate ministry business from the charity.

MM Outreach Inc is dedicated to providing audio, video and internet outreach that will impact the world of the cults and aberrant Christian movements for Christ.

Keith & Lorri MacGregor

Richard & Cheryl Schatz

Media Ministries Outreach

We are Richard and Cheryl Schatz, a Christian couple living in British Columbia, Canada who have been actively involved in ministering to former Jehovah's Witnesses. We have never been Jehovah's Witnesses ourselves, but we have a great deal of love and compassion especially for Jehovah's Witnesses who are contemplating leaving the Watchtower.

Since 1988 we operated a recorded message for Jehovah's Witnesses that has seen over 83,000 phone calls up to March 2003. We have also had the privilege of leading a support group for former Jehovah's Witnesses for 16 years. The support group has helped us to understand the dilemma of Jehovah's Witnesses when they come to realize that there is something not quite right with the Watchtower organization.

It is difficult for Jehovah's Witnesses to leave their family and friends behind when they come out of the Watchtower Society. It is also very difficult to sort out doctrinal issues that would allow them to feel comfortable enough to attend a Christian Church.

The purpose of this web site is to present Christian doctrine in a way that will allow Jehovah's Witnesses to better understand the Christian faith and how the Watchtower has indoctrinated their followers to be prejudiced against Christians and historic Christian doctrine. It is to this end that this web site is dedicated.

Our second website deals with a broader range of cults. You can view it at mmoutreach.org. You can email us at mmoutreach (AT) gmail (DOT) com or click here.


Enjoy our web site at mmoutreachinc.com, download information, or place an order from our large, reasonably-priced selection of videos, audio cassettes, books & booklets. We also send out literature to cult members if requested, with no disclosure of the source.

If you are a member of any of the groups we have listed on our web site we will dialogue with you in total confidentiality.

We believe if you have the right Jesus Christ, you are right for all eternity. But if you have the wrong Jesus Christ then you are wrong for all eternity.

Keith and Lorri can be reached at kgmacgregor (AT) gmail (DOT) com or click here.

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