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Out of the Watchtower into the Family of God: Floyd Erwin. Floyd spent 26 years serving the Watchtower. He left the organization in 1970. Floyd can be reached at erwin122(at)

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If the Son Makes you Free: Mike and Cheryl Main. Mike and Cheryl were converts to the Jehovah's Witness faith. The lack of love in the organization caused them to leave.

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A Wonderful Thing Happened: Ray and Marilyn Marsh 1985. Ray and Marilyn were Jehovah's Witnesses for 50 years. Ray even went to prison because of obeying the Watchtower. After they left the organization they found Jesus just through reading the Bible. Ray and Marilyn can be reached at

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What is in a name? Richard Grochowski 1991. Richard was in the military in Poland when he became involved with Jehovah's Witnesses. Difficulties with the Watchtower's explanations on religion, politics and social life led him to leave after 1975.

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From a life of pain to a smiling Christian: Gail Hansmann. Gail's 13 years as a Jehovah's Witness included divorce, a custody battle and attempted suicide but Jesus brought her peace and joy.

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Groping for God: Pam Maiello 1991. Pam was raised as a Catholic and after she started questioning her Catholic faith she turned to the Jehovah's Witnesses. The lack of love in the Watchtower and Christian co-workers helped Pam to find a faith in Jesus Christ.

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The Watchtower was Lord of our lives until we met Jesus! Bill and Peggy Huntley 1985. Bill and Peggy have found a joyful life after the Watchtower organization.

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Out of the Watchtower: Kelli Williams. Coming out of the Watchtower left Kelli with 'leftovers' of doctrine that she needed Jesus' help to deal with.

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Jesus released me from bondage: Cheryl Ayre. As a third generation Jehovah's Witness, Cheryl spent 39 years in guilt and fear in the Watchtower until Jesus set her free in 1986.

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I am a whosoever John 3:16: Grant and Laura Mickelwright. Grant and Laura were raised, baptized and married as Jehovah's Witnesses. In their mid-twenties they stopped attending meetings and thought they had given up on God but God had not given up on them.

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Witnessing for Christ: Barbara and John Wyatt. Barb and John spent many years in the Watchtower and after leaving they experienced frustration in trying to help an elderly Jehovah's Witness who had been disfellowshipped by the Watchtower organization.

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Enslaved to the Organization, Now Free in Christ (2002): Shirley Jackson. As a former Jehovah's Witness, Shirley experienced much heartache and abuse. She trusted "God's" organization to help her. True help came from trusting in Jesus. You can contact Shirley at

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Freed by His mercy and the Golden Rule (2002): Peggy L. Legg. Peggy refused to live her life by local Jehovah's Witness plans, and was told she was "incapable of making intelligent decisions for herself." As a child she learned the Golden Rule, which helped her recognize Watchtower hypocrisy. You can contact Peggy at

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Our Journey from Bondage: Dean and Kathe Yadevia (1985) Dean was a Jehovah's Witness for 25 years and Kathe for 12 years. Insight from personal Bible study in 1977 led Dean to see that the Watchtower was not teaching the truth. Dean was a ministerial servant and after 5 years of Bible research they both left to follow Jesus.

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We found real love in Jesus: Donna & Jim Lyman (1985) Jim was disfellowshipped for smoking and through this Jim and Donna saw the lack of love in the Witnesses. Their journey out of the Watchtower led them to a relationship with Jesus.

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There are no wasted years: Jan Groenveld Jan was a former Jehovah's Witness as well as a former Mormon. During her lifetime she helped many Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons come to freedom in Christ. Jan passed away in 2002.

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Kicked out of their Kingdom: Mary Parker Although Mary believed in the Watchtower 100% she prayed to Jehovah that if the Watchtower was not the truth that He would get her out. She was disfellowshipped by the elders and attempted suicide before finding peace with God.

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We left the truth to follow The Truth: Ernie & Carol Gantos Carol was a disillusioned Catholic who studied to become a Jehovah's Witness. As a bottom-line person she researched each place that the Watchtower quoted from other sources and she found out that the Watchtower had been lying to her. Her husband had been raised to follow the Watchtower organization and to not question any of its teachings.

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Presenting a Christian Witness to Jehovah's Witnesses: Conrad McIntire For ten years Conrad was a believer in the system of Jehovah's Witness doctrines. Through Bible reading he realized that he must turn from a system to a person - Jesus Christ.

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Antique testimony 2003: Jean Eason. Jean's grandfather was a Jehovah's Witness since 1900. Jean shares her experience as a Jehovah's Witness and what brought her to Christ. She speaks her heart to Jehovah's Witnesses seeking the real truth. Jean can be reached through email at Her web site is

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Free from religious deception: Bruce & Gina Marsh 1993. Gina was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and spent many years in the organization. Just as her husband was getting fully indoctrinated into the Watchtower Society, Gina was having doubts. Watching a video by Lorri MacGregor helped Bruce and Gina leave the organization.

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Floundering in the Watchtower: Ann and Al Thomas. As a Jehovah's Witness, Ann came close to commiting suicide because of feeling that she didn't measure up. Today Ann and Al are free from the Watchtower and help others find freedom in Christ.

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Delivered from Bondage: Cheryl Dickson 1998. Cheryl spent 20 years as a faithful Jehovah's Witness even giving up friends because she was told that they were bad association. In the Watchtower Cheryl experienced oppression and suicidal feelings. Once she left the Society it took her two years living in fear before she experienced freedom. The quality on this tape is not the best but the testimony is good.

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Testimonies of Watchtower Elder Cruelty: Alex Demayo, Keith Andreve, and Grant Lindsey. Various testimonies of Elder cruelty in the Watchtower.

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I was lost but now I'm found: Iris Blanton. A desire to be saved at Armageddon and no Bible knowledge that she could compare the Watchtower's doctrines to, resulted in 17 years of Watchtower control. Jesus graciously saved and delivered Iris.

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Evil by Nature, Restored by Grace: Eddie Cooney. Eddie had a problem with violence and anger before he became a Jehovah's Witness. In the Witnesses his outward appearance changed but his sin nature did not. It wasn't until Eddy was confronted with the claims of Christ and he chose to make Jesus his Lord and Savior, did he finally experience a real heart change.

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How Jehovah's Witnesses twist the scriptures. Lorri MacGregor MacGregor Ministries/MM Outreach. Lorri reveals the way that the Watchtower has changed and twisted scriptures. Contact Lorri through

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God's organization - why he quit using it. David Reed David looks at the question of whether God has an organization.

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Death and the Afterlife. Dr. Robert Morey. Dr. Morey takes a look at the hardest doctrine for Jehovah's Witnesses to accept after leaving the Watchtower.

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God's Love and Eternal Punishment. Dr. Robert Morey. Dr. Morey compares the love of God with the eternal consequences of rejecting God's salvation.

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Mental Illness. Jerry Bergman. Jerry Bergman talks about the high rate of mental illness in the Jehovah's Witnesses and the reasons for such a high rate.

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Communion (2002). Lorri and Keith MacGregor. MacGregor Ministries/MM Outreach. Lorri is a former Jehovah's Witness saved by God's wonderful grace. She and Keith have been faithfully reaching out to Jehovah's Witnesses for over 25 years.

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Rebuttal to "Jehovah's Witnesses are not False Prophets" argument (2002). Keith Walker. Keith and his wife Becky, are strong Christians and in 1995 founded Evidence Ministries, a missionary outreach to Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. You can reach Keith at

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The Wheat and the Weeds (2002). Joy Veinot. Joy exposes the false history of the Watchtower organization. She and her husband Don lovingly persue those lost in the cults. Joy is director of Midwest Christian Outreach and together they publish a quarterly journal. You can reach Joy at and their web site is

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Overcoming Jehovah's Witnesses Objections: Lorri MacGregor. MacGregor Ministries/MM Outreach. Lorri highlights the key objections to Christianity from the Watchtower's arguments and gives insight into how a Christian can reach Jehovah's Witnesses. Lorri and Keith can be reached at

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Worship of the True God: Peter Barnes. Peter shares the importance of knowing who the True God is. Peter was a circuit servant and a long time Jehovah's Witness who came to understand that the Watchtower was not teaching the truth about God.

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Watchtower Authority. Gordon Bryden shares how the Watchtower has used their authority to cause many to believe that they have insight into the future. Gordon shares on the events of 1975.

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Child Custody: Duane Magnani. Duane shares about custody trials where the Watchtower has instructed their follower's to conceal the Watchtower's true teachings in order to give the Jehovah's Witness parent a better chance of winning custody of the child. Duane can be reached at

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Death, Heaven & Hell: Erich and Jean Grieshaber. Erich & Jean go through three topics that Jehovah's Witnesses need to get deprogrammed from when leaving the Watchtower. The entire series of deprogramming tapes can be purchased through Erich by emailing him at

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Presenting the truth to Jehovah' Witnesses: Lorri MacGregor. Lorri shares several scriptural points that Christians can present at the door to the Jehovah's Witnesses. Lorri can be reached at

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Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses Workshop: Dr. Walter Martin. Dr. Martin, with his own unique personality, teaches Christians the basics of witnessing to a Jehovah's Witness in this tape of one of his witnessing workshops.

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Should you pay attention to the Watchtower's 'Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy'?: Lorri MacGregor. MacGregor Ministries/MM Outreach. Lorri shares the Watchtower's purpose behind their 1999 publication 'Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy'. Lorri can be reached at

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Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ and the Trinity Part One: Dr. Walter Martin. Dr. Martin teaches on how to present the Trinity to a Jehovah's Witness.

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Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ and the Trinity Part Two: Dr. Walter Martin. Dr. Martin concludes his presentation on the Christian viewpoint of the Trinity.

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The Biblical basis for the Trinity (Part One): Arthur Waeterling. Arthur presents a devotional series on the Trinity starting with the Biblical basis for this teaching.

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The logic of the Trinity (Part Two): Arthur Waeterling. Arthur continues with his devotional series on the Trinity by exploring the logic of the teaching of the Trinity.

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The Father (Part Three): Arthur Waeterling. Arthur focuses on the person of the Father in this part three of his devotional series on the Trinity.

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The God-Man One (Part Four): Arthur Waeterling. Arthur explores the person of Jesus Christ as he continues his teaching on the doctrine of the Trinity.

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The God-Man Two (Part Five): Arthur Waeterling. Arthur finishes his teaching on Jesus Christ the God-Man.

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The Holy Spirit (Part Six): Arthur Waeterling. Arthur concludes his devotional series on the Trinity with the person of the Holy Spirit.

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Blatant Blunders of the Watchtower Society: Lorri MacGregor. Lorri exposes three Watchtower blunders: their involvement with the Nazis in the early WWII era, their strange amendments to their charter done in 1945 and their on-going tax avoidance which they have brought about by their 'new light' on donations. Lorri can be reached at

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Can we trust the Bible?: Ken Ham. Ken Ham deals with some of the arguments against the Bible's reliability. Copyright 2003 from Answers in Genesis Ministries. Used with permission. For more audio, material or to contact Ken go to his web site at

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A problem of Communication: Duane Magnani. Duane documents the problems encountered when a Christian tries to witness to a Jehovah's Witness. Duane can be reached at

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Saving marriages - dealing with a spouse who is a Jehovah's Witness 1997: Wilbur Lingle. Wilbur speaks about the stresses and challenges of a non-Witness married to a Jehovah's Witness. Wilbur can be reached by email at or by mail at 6B Swift Lane, Whiting NJ, USA 08759-2922

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The Jehovah's Witnesses Knowledge book - an effective tool for Witnessing: Wilbur Lingle. Wilbur outlines an effective method for witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses without arguing using their own literature. Wilbur can be reached by email at or by mail at 6B Swift Lane, Whiting NJ, USA 08759-2922

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The State of the Dead: Lorri MacGregor. Lorri deals with the subject of soul sleep and the state of the dead. Lorri and Keith can be reached at MM Outreach by e-mail at

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Bible Students and their relationship to the Watchtower: Robert C Hill 1999. Bob highlights the parallel history of the Bible Students and the reasons why some who leave the Watchtower find themselves joining the Bible Students who still follow C.T. Russell's early teachings.

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